Does Street Evangelism Still Have a Place In The Modern World?
Angus Robb says, “Definitely yes!” In less than a year, he’s handed out 7,000 Bibles and shared his testimony with many, all as a result of taking to the streets of London with a table, a sign, and a stack of Bibles.
Last February, a friend in Australia posted on Instagram that he had given away 48 Bibles in just one hour outside a train station in Perth. I was struck by the numbers he had given out, especially in a Western secular nation. So, I texted my friend James, and we decided to give it a go ourselves in London. We headed to Trafalgar Square, though admittedly, we were definitely apprehensive!
We ended up handing out 120 Bibles in just two hours. But what really surprised me wasn’t just the number of Bibles we gave out, but the amazing conversations we had with people. It turned out to be an incredible time of chatting with people, hearing their stories, and sharing ours.
Since that first experience, we’ve handed out over 7,000 Bibles across four different locations in London. This experience has shown me how simple evangelism can be - all you really need is a table, a sign, and a stack of Bibles. On the streets, we’ve been able to share our testimonies, share the Gospel, and pray for people who often have little to no knowledge of Christianity. What continually surprises me is the diversity of people who approach our table - people of different religions, ethnicities, backgrounds, genders, and social classes. It’s a powerful reminder of the gospel’s universal reach and inclusivity.
The impact of our times on the streets has extended beyond Bible distribution. More than 50 people have visited our church services as a result of our street encounters. One woman found one of our Bibles on a bus with an invitation to church tucked inside. She started attending, joined an Alpha course, became a Christian, and is now an active member of our church community. Stories like hers are a reminder that the harvest is indeed plentiful!
What strikes me most is the power of social media as a tool for communication. That simple Instagram post from my friend in Australia indirectly led to thousands of lives being touched in the UK. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of people have heard about our journey through various social media posts.
Evangelism has also deepened our personal relationship with God. I’ve found that I often feel closest to Him when I’m out on the streets, catching a glimpse of His heart for the lost. As a team, we often say that evangelism is like the opposite of sin: it can be difficult to step out and do it, but we always come away feeling spiritually revived.
The response we get is overwhelmingly positive. In fact, I’d say about 99% of the time, people are polite and respectful. Ironically, the most challenging interactions tend to come from religious people - often Christians - who want to debate or argue. But typically, the worst response we get when offering someone a Bible is a simple, “No, thank you.” Not bad at all!
That said, there are still moments when I find myself struggling with fear of rejection or worrying about what others think of me. When those thoughts creep in, I’ve learned the importance of grounding myself in Scripture, which reveals God’s heart for the lost. Reflecting on the lengths to which Paul and the disciples went to share the Gospel has been especially convicting. I want to have that same fire and passion for the Lord.
As Acts 6:7 says, “So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.” Do it again, Lord! May we be inspired to go out onto the streets, meet people where they are, and see many more lives transformed by the power of the Gospel.
Angus Robb is currently studying theology at St Mellitus and is also a member of staff at Christ Church Spitalfields. Previously, he spent four years serving in missions with YWAM, where God deeply cultivated a heart for reaching the lost.
You can order your copies of Mark's Gospel and Luke's Gospel to hand out today.
This article is one of many that will appear in the 2025 edition of Sharing Jesus, a resource packed with practical ideas on how Christians can share their faith. Stay tuned for more information about Sharing Jesus 2025 coming soon!
Angus Robb, 05/02/2025