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Type: Book
Price: £1.25
JG £0.65 each for orders of 500+
*£0.65 for 500+ copies
JG £0.75 each for orders of 25-499
*£0.75 for 25-499 copies
JG £1.00 each for orders of 6-24
*£1.00 for 6-24 copies
Commemorative edition of the Gospel of John. Marking the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II.
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Type: Book
Price: £4.00
LG £1.50 each for orders of 500+
*£1.50 for 500+ copies
LG Offer 50% 0ff Luke's Gospel
*£2.00 for 100-499 copies
LG £2.50 each for orders of 26-99
*£2.50 for 26-99 copies
LG £3 each for orders of 6-25
*£3.00 for 6-25 copies
A beautifully produced Luke’s Gospel.
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Type: Cards
Price: £1.00
A handout that provides access to an online version of Luke's Gospel.
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Type: Book
Price: £3.00
*£1.25 each for orders of 500+
*£1.25 each for 500+ copies
Marks Gospel 100-499 items £1.75
*£1.75 for 100-499 copies
£2.00 each for orders of 26-99
*£2.00 for 26-99 copies
£2.50 each for orders of 6-25
*£2.50 for 6-25 copies
A beautifully produced Mark’s Gospel.
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Type: Cards
Price: £1.00
A handout that provides access to an online version of Mark's Gospel.
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Type: Book
Price: £1.25
A special edition of The Gospel of Mark, featuring stunning photography curated by local London photographers.
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Type: Book
Price: £1.00
A contemporary Ukrainian version of Mark’s gospel.
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Type: Cards
Price: £3.00
A new pocket-sized handout. Pack of 10 cards
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Type: Book
Price: £5.00
Taking the fear out of evangelism to help Christians confidently put their faith into words.
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Type: Book
Price: £1.00
A journal to accompany the Talking Jesus research. Perfect for an individual, a small group, or a church team wanting to take the research deeper.
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Type: Book
Price: £1.50
Accompanies the six sessions of the Talking Jesus Course.
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Type: Book
Price: £1.00
Discover the state of faith in the UK in 2022.
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Type: Book
Product Code: HOPETOG000023
Commemorative edition of the Gospel of John. Marking the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II.
Price: £1.25
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Type: Book
Product Code: HOPETOG000011
A beautifully produced Luke’s Gospel.
Price: £4.00
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Type: Cards
A handout that provides access to an online version of Luke's Gospel.
Price: £1.00
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Type: Book
Product Code: HOPETOG000012
A beautifully produced Mark’s Gospel.
Price: £3.00
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Type: Cards
A handout that provides access to an online version of Mark's Gospel.
Price: £1.00
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Type: Book
Product Code: HOPETOG000024
A special edition of The Gospel of Mark, featuring stunning photography curated by local London photographers.
Price: £1.25
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Type: Book
Product Code: HOPETOG000013
A contemporary Ukrainian version of Mark’s gospel.
Price: £1.00
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Type: Cards
Product Code: HOPETOG000020
A new pocket-sized handout. Pack of 10 cards
Price: £3.00
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Type: Book
Taking the fear out of evangelism to help Christians confidently put their faith into words.
Price: £5.00
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Type: Book
A journal to accompany the Talking Jesus research. Perfect for an individual, a small group, or a church team wanting to take the research deeper.
Price: £1.00
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