We work with amazing partners that have many great resources
Here are just two of our partners and some of the resources that we love:
Mark Greenwood - Elim's National Evangelist
Mark and Elim have some incredible resources including:
Reach Podcast
Reach Podcast is a high-energy and fun podcast, Mark's guests bring their stories, wisdom and insight resourcing Elim’s National Evangelism Vision which he believes is for the broader global Church. Whether you are a leader, an emerging leader or doing the work of an Evangelist this Podcast is for you.
Journey of Evangelism
Mark and the team have created a three-stage path to help people on a journey of exploration of faith. Big Yes, Little Yes, Healthy Maybe is a God-inspired rhythm to help churches take people on that journey.
Read about it here.
Mark has written a great selection of books designed for different stages of people's faith journeys. The Elim has also helped produce some great evangelistic magazines. Have a look at the
full selection here.
Mark has also created and hosted many evangelism events that are tailored for different stages of the evangelism journey.
Take a look at them here.
Rachael Heffer - Head of Mission, Evangelical Alliance

Rachael and the team at the EA have some lots of resources that are worth taking a look at.
Rachael and the EA have been hosting webinars covering many discussions and questions that the church is asking including the
Hybrid Church series featuring Rachel Jordan-Wolf.
Watch all their webinars here.
Changing Church
Research, ideas, tools and resources to help you face the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic as society and the church are both changing.
Find it all here.
Cross Section Podcast
Cross Section podcast hosts conversations at the intersection of faith, news and culture.
Books and publications
The EA has a huge catalogue of print material that allows you to dig deeper into some contemporary issues as well as learn more about mission and evangelism.
Find all their publications here.
Covering many topics, these courses are great for small groups to go deeper in their faith.
See all their courses here.