Hope 2023-24 is a call to us all to offer again the Hope of Jesus Christ to everyone in the UK
The big question that resonated with the UK in the Talking Jesus research 2022 was “Will everything be ok?”
We know that we have hope in times of uncertainty...
We want to invite you to partner with us in a year of mission from September 2023 - August 2024.
The goal for the year is to bring churches together reaching out in refreshed, renewed mission and evangelism in towns, villages and cities; all of us coming together under the umbrella of the word Hope - our prayer is everyone, everywhere knowing Jesus.
Why now?
We recognise the period of history that we are living through has been traumatic for all those in and outside of the Church - and we see that God is calling us to work together, to reach out with one voice and one heart - one Church showing and proclaiming the love and message of Jesus.
Who is it for?
Everyone! This is for every generation in the church across denominations. The experienced will bring their wisdom and knowledge. The new generation in our churches who have not experienced a national mission initiative are ready to step up and begin. We want to work with them to enable and enthuse them in evangelism and mission. This is for the whole church to get involved!
Hope 2023-24 targets
We want to see people come to faith.
We would love to see every denomination and network being a part of this.
We want to see church leaders and ministries working together. We are looking for at least 1,500 areas to join Hope 2023-24.
Watch the launch video
"Two major precursors to the revival we desire are prayer and the unity of the church. As patron of Hope, I believe 2023-24 will be significant in the purposes of God to unite us to serve our communities."
Agu Irukwu, Senior Pastor Jesus House RCCG and Patron of Hope.
Will you join us:
PRAY for friends and family who don’t yet know Jesus, and for our streets and communities.
TALK and listen - create space for deep conversations with our friends, family, neighbours and colleagues - talking faith and Jesus
UNITE to run mission events - where we present the good news of Jesus
SHARE resources, like ‘The life of Jesus’ and other helpful material
SERVE our communities where there is need
GIVE our time, ideas, energies and money to make things happen
UTILISE the power of Google to help seekers find us and find Jesus
It’s a big vision – uniting as a church across denominations and organisations to offer the hope of Jesus to our nation for a year of mission starting September 2023.
So, join in!
“Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Hebrews 10: 23-24
Resources for mission
Check out the new Outreach Calendar

The Hope 2023-24 hub resource you to take full advantage of the mission year. It is a step-by-step guide and place to find ideas and tools appropriate for each stage of your mission journey.
Hope 2023-24
Join our Facebook Chat group to talk to others and go on the journey together.
Hope 2023-24 hub on Facebook
Your Brand Kit
We have created a new Hope 2023-24 brand kit to support you!
Brand Kit details here
Talking Jesus Explainers
Sermon on Local Evangelism
Perspective conversation
Get Ready - Preparing for mission
Introducing Hope 2023-24
Prayer and Listening

Everything starts with prayer – and that’s where we’re starting with Hope 2023-24. We have a fantastic booklet that you can download for free to help you pray for your area and community as we build to the year of mission.
Download Prayer Booklet

As we pray let’s listen – listen to God and to our context to shape our mission and evangelism. We have a partner booklet to help you do this where you are.
Download Listening Booklet
Join the Hope Together team in daily lent prayers for our country, communities, friends, and family. There are 40 prayers-one for each day of Lent.
Download lent prayers

We encourage you to pray and pledge to pray for your entire community! Here are some Thy Kingdom Come, Local House of Prayer and Hope 2023-24 resources to help with that!
Thy Kingdom Come