This page is to help resource you and your church to do youth and kids work well in the online and in-person spaces. We have gathered the best missional resources that can help you reach and empower children and young people missionally.
Bible Buds

Bible Buds is a toddler group resource, carefully designed to share the BIG story of the Bible through popular calendar events across the school year. The 34 sessions include craft and play ideas, puppet scripts, Bible stories, songs, themed snacks, home activities, downloads, a parachute blessing and even merchandise! We are passionate about sharing and declaring God’s love with young families, all so that seeds are sown and friendship with God blossoms.
Faith in Kids
Faith in Kids exists to see confident parents and thriving churches raising children together to trust Jesus eternally. We do this by encouraging, inspiring and equipping the influencers of faith in children with support, training and resources. Parents, kids ministry leaders and church leaders; why not check out our FREE resources on our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Kitchen Table Project
Kitchen Table Project from Care for the Family is a community of parents, carers and churches encouraging parents as they inspire their children’s faith in everyday family life. Find resources, blogs and ideas that will help parents to build their children’s faith at home and support churches as they develop intergenerational family ministry.
Playtime from Care for the Family supports and equips church-based toddler groups with resources, ideas and events, as they build relationships with families in their communities.
Truth Be Told: Storytelling For Life
Truth be Told is an intergenerational storytelling charity, equipping churches to connect families with older adults in care homes and the community. TBT is a replicable social action project that tackles loneliness and brings the hope of Jesus.
Who Let the Dads Out?
Who Let The Dads Out?, from Care for the Family, resources churches to create spaces where fathers, father-figures and their children can have fun, develop their relationships and build community with others.
Alpha Youth Film Series
Alpha believes that everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions and share their point of view. The series can be used as an evangelism tool when run by young people online with their non-Christian friends.
Because You’re Loved
Because You're Loved [BYL] is a resource originally designed to act as a catalyst for young people to show and share their faith. Doing a ‘Who Loves You?’ video campaign works well in the current climate.
The Youth Bible Series
The Bible is the living word of God, eternally relevant and prophetically sharp now just as it will be for all of time! The Talking Jesus research showed that for 27% of practising Christians, reading the Bible for themselves was a key influence in their coming to faith. We have been working on a brilliant resource to help young people access and engage with the Bible. HOPE Together and The Bible Society have created
The Youth Bible Series.
Dare 2 Share Live

A global day of youth evangelism. Youth ministries around the world uniting for one purpose— activating young people to share their faith.
Discover Bible App

A Bible App like no other. The aim is to read the Bible with friends; many have come to faith as a result. You can set up a WhatsApp group or
Zoom call to read the Bible with a small group of young people and use the Discover App questions to discuss what you are reading. Find out more about the Discover Bible App website @discoverAppDBS.
Intro Outro
This magazine-style YouTube channel, tackles the big questions in life and how we relate to God in them. There’s fun, banter, and thought! It’s a great tool for young people to send to their mates.
YouTube: Intro Outro
JAD 3:20 – Jesus At The Door
Is a cutting edge approach to evangelism that equips, empowers and enables believers to share the gospel with anyone.
Justice X Together & Dare to Journey
Justice X Together - the four part series designed to help you explore injustice with your youth group, equipping them to be part of the solution. Paired with Dare to Journey, this programme provides opportunities to practically take action and discuss what it means to live a just life. We challenge your youth group to take a daring journey to raise awareness of the refugee crisis and
support the work of Tearfund!
Life in 6 Words
Evangelism mobile app: six words that can change a life. The G.O.S.P.E.L. changes everything. With the
Life in 6 Words mobile app, you can use your phone to evangelize and start spiritual conversations.
These films, blogs, insights and support about living life to the full, enable girls to ‘keep on keeping on’ in a hope-filled way. Koko is produced by Girls Brigade Ministries, a UK-based mission network committed to raising hope in this generation of girls and women especially through the provision of relevant, responsive and relational initiatives that transform lives and enrich communities.
Limitless TV

From our good friends at the Elim Youth Department, this is a TV show that young people can enjoy and share with their mates -

Shine is a tool to enable Christian young people to confidently share their faith with their friends at school. It also provides opportunities for their friends to explore the Christian faith and the difference that Jesus can make to life. Through a short series (3 weeks) of specially produced videos and meeting outlines, groups of young people in a school are resourced to live out, and share, their faith.
The Way
Faith-filled Instagram + YouTube content ‘direct to youth’ that provides an entire younger generation in the UK with entertainment + discipleship to strengthen their faith and get them sharing Jesus with their friends. |
Youth and Kids
Resources to communicate the gospel of Jesus through four simple points.
Energize contains thousands of engaging and adaptable biblical sessions (for ages 3-15+), training articles and support resources. It’s produced by Urban Saints, who as well as providing resources for churches, run their own weekly discipleship groups across the UK and Ireland.
Parenting for Faith
Parenting for Faith has lots of free courses and resources to equip parents and carers to help their kids and teens develop a lasting and vibrant two-way relationship with God.
Prayer Spaces in Schools
Prayer Spaces in Schools enable children and young people, of all faiths and none, to explore many life questions, spirituality and faith in a safe, creative and interactive way.