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Be an advocate for Hope 2023-24

23-24 Logo Full Colour RGB@72pHope Together has launched Hope 23-24 which is all about you and others in your area making Jesus known in your village, town or city. We want to make Jesus known in your workplace or recreational space and every other place where you're passionate to share your faith.

Mission has never been more important or urgent than it is today in this season that we find ourselves in. I look forward to joining in and strongly endorse the vision and momentum of 23-24.

Dr Amy Orr-Ewing
We would love for you to join us and partner with Hope 23-24 to make that happen. If you're passionate about evangelism and mission, there are a number of different ways you can get involved:

Become a local Hope 2023-24 partner
We need people to help keep us connected to local churches and communities as we united in mission. This might involve any of the following:
  • Mobilising prayer for people to come to faith
  • Organising local mission/evangelistic events
  • Leading on developing an evangelism strategy where you are
  • Using Hope resources and letting others know about them
Interested? Fill out this form to find out more:
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I strongly endorse Hope 23-24 and pray that whatever size church you are part of, you would come together for the sake of people within your community.

Tim Jupp, Big Church Day Out

Become a regional Hope 23-24 partner

Our regional partners mobilise churches in united mission and evangelism in their areas. These are some of the things they do:
  • Gather leaders to pray across an area, city, town or village
  • Initiate prayer meetings for all those interested in mission and evangelism
  • Lead social justice projects like food banks across their region
  • Initiate mission and evangelism weeks or programmes for their area that are united across churches
You can find out more about our regional and national partners by emailing here

Also you can sign up to be a Hope 23-24 regional partner here.
As a movement we are so excited to partner with the Hope 23-24 year of the mission, as we seek coming out of this covid situation, to renew the vision for mission and evangelism and for every one of our churches to work in their community, through words and deeds, to make the love of God known.

Paul Harcourt, National Leader of New Wine England

Become a Hope 23-24 youth advocate

We need people to join us to:
  • Share the youth Hope 23-24 vision
  • Unite young people, their leaders and other organisations, locally and regionally
  • Resource youth leaders to help young people to share their faith using Hope resources
Interested? You can find out more about our national partners by emailing here

Also you can sign up to be a Hope 23-24 youth advocate here.


Get Involved

Sign up for our regular Hope news email for more ways to get involved
Basic Details
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Email Address: