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We’re thrilled you’re part of Hope 2023-24! Here’s everything you need to join in. You can brand your event, pop a poster outside your church, wear T-shirts that shout that you’re the people bringing Hope when you’re out and about serving your community and so much more!
Go for it! Let’s bring Hope Together!

Watch and share our launch video 


Hope-23-24-booklet-landscape Get the Hope 23-24 Brochure from the shop

The brochure

HOPE-Brand-Guidelines-CoverUse our logos

We have created a new  Hope 23-24 brand kit to support you!

Download Brand Guidelines
Download the Hope 23-34 Logo

We have a logo for marketing to people outside of the church community:

  Download the HOPE logo 

HOPE-23-34-Slide-3Create a screen

 Download background slides for PowerPoint

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