The Talking Toddlers community was born out of research commissioned by Hope Together, the Church of England, and the Evangelical Alliance in spring 2020.
See the research
Summary of research
Download a summary of the research here
Talking Toddlers Webinars
These quarterly webinars are an opportunity to meet with others involved in mission to young families, to share ideas, to be encouraged and to be equipped through our guest speakers. Each 90-minute webinar focuses on a theme relevant to toddler groups which is unpacked with the help of guest speakers, breakout room discussion, story and resource sharing. Members of the Talking Toddlers community tell us it’s an encouraging and inspiring place to connect!
To find out more contact
As a result of the research, HOPE Together, along with the EA started a Talking Toddlers Webinar, which has been a great way to bless, support and equip toddler group leaders. If you want to find out more, you can rewatch the webinars below!
Latest webinar
Discussing the findings of the report
How to be distinctively Christian.
76% of parents of under 5’s have a connection with a local church, often through toddler groups. This means toddler groups and work with young families is a MASSIVE mission opportunity. How do we make the most of this opportunity? How do we make the most of Christmas? Join us as we look at the research, hear personal experiences and share resources and ideas together.
Join the Talking Toddlers Community

To sign up for our next webinar on Thursday 26th June 2025 10 - 11.30am
Sign up here
To receive emails about upcoming Talking Toddlers webinars and resources
Sign up here
For all other Talking Toddlers webinars,
check out our YouTube playlist.