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Online conference giving a new perspective to mission 

Our Talking Jesus research told us that people are asking questions and that one of the most common is “Will everything be ok?” As we face a post-pandemic world, the war in Ukraine and a cost of living crisis, it’s no surprise. We also know that people are more open to conversations about Jesus than over the past decade. This is a huge opportunity for our churches and mission. 

We teamed up with the Evangelical Alliance to run the Perspective Conference to have online conversations to equip local mission and evangelism to reach a culture in crisis. 

Mike RoyalPerspective ran on Saturday 12th November and saw many church and mission leaders meeting online, with more to watch the recorded event in the coming weeks. Guest speakers were Dr Amy Orr-Ewing and Mike Royal. The latter, speaking about the challenges we are facing today, said: “Yes, I believe that Jesus can help us to make it through. But I also believe this, that we may be the help that people need, Christ's apostles read and known by all people.” It is our hope that we can join together to help people come to know Jesus, the one who is constant and firm in these uncertain times.
Amy Orr-Ewing

An attendee told us about what Amy shared. They said it was a “fantastically stimulating, inspirational and motivational message, Amy.  Thank you to everyone involved in making this webinar possible.”

Another shared something they had taken away from the event: “The list of events we've been through - all in one place quite impactful... The need to develop personal relationships to let Jesus flow naturally. Be prayerful in order to recognise a nudge from God to share... Believe the promises of Jesus about the church and its impact and influence”.

If you missed the conference, the recording of the event will be available to watch online.


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