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How Do I Share Jesus With My Neighbours? 

We need your help! This article is one of many that will appear in the 2025 edition of Sharing Jesus, a resource packed with practical ideas on how Christians can share their faith. However, to get this new edition to print, we need to raise £5,000. Would you consider donating a small amount to help us achieve this? Your support would make such a difference. Click here to find out more. 

Sammy Jordan shares how an ordinary house move turned into an extraordinary opportunity to share the love of Jesus with new neighbours. The key, she explains, can be found in intentionality.

In 2020, in the middle of a lockdown, my family and I moved to a new housing estate. It was a time when making new connections felt almost impossible, let alone inviting our new neighbours to church, but God had other plans.

This year, four of my neighbours have come to faith, and believe it or not, a hot tub in our community centre played a role in it! We also host a monthly café church that draws over 50 neighbours—many with no church background.
One of the most important things I’ve learned about effective evangelism is that it requires intentionality.

The Importance of Intentionality

Evangelism doesn't happen by chance; it requires intentionality. We often think sharing our faith is something reserved for church leaders or those with special training, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s a calling for all of us, rooted in the Great Commission. As far as I understand, it is a command, not a choice. Quite honestly, when it comes to evangelism, I often feel that I’ve been called to be like a dandelion! Dandelions are resilient little plants. They break up hard ground, feed the soil to support new growth, and are wind-blown. All of those things are what I try to be here on my estate.

‘Breaking the Ground’ Through Prayer

Prayer is my starting point. I intentionally pray for my neighbours and listen to our community's needs through a Facebook group of over 1,500 members. When we moved during lockdown, this was how I started. I listened to the community and began to build connections. I’ve also established a prayer box in my garden, inviting my neighbours to post their prayer requests. It takes time to build trust, but planting these seeds has laid the foundation for deeper relationships.

Forming Genuine Relationships

When it comes to feeding the soil, I see this as forming genuine relationships. “WITH” is my favourite missional word. I am here to walk alongside my neighbours and intentionally look for ways to spend time with them.

Opening Conversations

As trust builds, conversations about faith naturally emerge. Neighbours often approach me with questions like, “You’re religious; can I ask you…?” When I clarify that I’m not religious but a person of faith, it opens the door for deeper conversation. I explain that religion often feels like rules and expectations, while faith is about relationship and love. This approach often surprises people and can lead to meaningful discussions. People are searching for purpose and connection, and when we meet them where they are, they often respond with curiosity.

Embracing the Wind

Being a dandelion also means being wind-blown—available and open to God’s nudges. Each day, I ask God to remind me of those I need to reach out to. It’s about noticing the small opportunities to engage and share—whether it’s offering support or simply asking, “How are you?” with genuine interest. Too often, we feel pressure to deliver a complete gospel message in one conversation. But sharing our faith can be as simple as planting a seed—offering a kind word or sharing a personal story that may spark curiosity.

Living Out Our Faith

Living intentionally means loving God first and genuinely loving my neighbours—not from a distance but by being present in their lives. I don’t have all the answers, and I often figure it out as I go, but I remain open to God’s leading.

So, as you consider sharing the Gospel with your neighbours, remember: it will often start with a posture of intentionality. Join in with what God is doing, and watch how He can work through us in remarkable ways—one intentional connection at a time.

Sammy Jordan is the Director for the Hope for Every Home branch of Hope Together’s work. This is about being good news where we live; on our streets, with neighbours, and in our communities. She is part of a church plant on a new housing estate. 

Sammy Jordan, 14/10/2024

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