Easter is an incredible opportunity to share about the death and resurrection of Jesus and the hope that brings.
The Talking Jesus research told us that 45% of the population believed in the resurrection.
Since the hope that resurrection brings is clearly something that connects with so many, let’s invite people to Easter meals, celebrations and services!
Take a look at our Easter magazine, and use it to invite people to Easter services or to start a conversation with a friend.
Then let’s offer them the chance to take a step further on their journey.
Give them a gift - for example, a contemporary Mark’s gospel, so they can read the life events of Jesus for themselves.
Invite them to a basics course, or the Wellbeing Journey.
ALIVE Series for Easter
In 2024, we’ll have a brand-new resource - ALIVE - especially to help you make the most of Easter. The Talking Jesus research findings in 2015 and 2022 revealed that a significant portion of the UK population, 44% in 2015 and 45% in 2022, believed in the resurrection. While some of these individuals are confident in their belief, many others have questions about it. To cater to this specific group of partial resurrection believers, the ALIVE series was developed.
ALIVE offers these individuals an opportunity to embark on a journey to delve into how Jesus’ resurrection addresses our fundamental human needs and brings about transformative changes in people's lives. The five-part series is designed to be run by individuals, small groups, and churches alike. For Youth and YA, ALIVE Encounters is tailored for young people, students, and young adults, but the material is designed for wider audiences to enjoy.
ALIVE Easter
ALIVE Campaign Resources