The Coronation
Our new King will be crowned on 6th May 2023 and Hope Together is here to help you make the most of this opportunity in your community, school and neighbourhood.
The Coronation will be held at Westminster Abbey, turning the eyes of the nation to the church as the King is anointed and crowned in a Christian act of worship.
It is an ideal time for us as the church to point to the kingship of Jesus, the ultimate King of Kings.

Crowned King
Give out our beautiful Souvenir Gospel to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, in schools, street parties and special services. It opens with full colour, illustrated pages explaining the symbolism and Christian meaning in the Coronation. It then points to Jesus the King of Kings and invites people to find out more by reading the Gospel of Matthew. Pre-Order now to avoid disappointment.
Buy now
Preview the book
Big Lunch and Coronation Grace
If you need help with how to run a Coronation Big Lunch you can find everything on
the Big Lunch website
Point to King of Kings by sharing the Souvenir gospel and praying the Coronation Grace that Hope Together have produced.
Download the Coronation Grace
Service and Prayers
If you’re looking for help with special services the Church of England has produced
lots of guidance
Hope has produced one special prayer that you could add into a specific or normal service to bring a Coronation focus.
Download the Coronation prayer for King Charles III
Schools Assembly
The Coronation is a great opportunity to offer an assembly in your local primary school. Could your church or school purchase the Souvenir Gospel for every child as a special coronation gift? We’ve made this as easy as possible with an Assembly plan and Power point.
Download the Assembly plan
Download the the Power point
The Big help out
On the Coronation bank holiday Monday you can galvanise your community for the
big help out
Have a great Coronation long weekend and let’s make sure people hear about the King of Kings as we celebrate our new King.

Keep the party going by hosting a Coronation evening event for your friends, family, or community. Join the Coronation prom live streamed free from the Royal Albert Hall in your living room, church or community hall?
Invite your friends, family and community and give them a special
gift to take away.
Sign up