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Do you want everyone, everywhere to know about Jesus?

Join us in making this a reality by giving a one-off or a regular monthly donation towards Hope Together. Your support will make all the difference. THANK YOU!

How does your money help?

  • £5.00 prints 5 copies of our stunning Mark’s gospel to help a younger generation read about the life of Jesus for themselves 
  • £25.00 pays for a train ticket for a team member to travel to an event to speak, inspiring and equipping people in evangelism
  • £300.00 pays for a young adult to go on Wild Hope,  a summer mission training trip, learning how to talk about Jesus and catch a vision for evangelism that will last a lifetime.
  • £700.00 funds an animation like this one to help those under the age of 5 discover that Jesus is for them too!
Some people are able to be so generous to the work of Hope and their donations from trusts or private funds help us to carry out our large projects. There is always a wonderful generous giver behind everything we do and we are so grateful to God for his provision.

If you are in a position to help fund a part or whole of our large projects we would be thrilled to hear from you. 

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