Things to think about over summer
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Dear All,

It’s summertime, some schools have broken up and others are starting their holidays soon. Are you heading to a Christian festival with your church? Or are you away on holiday? We pray you’ll have time out with the LORD.

It’s time to breathe before the busy autumn!

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”

Psalm 34:8

In this E-news, we want to let you know some things that you can be thinking about that are coming in the autumn – as we’re so excited about the year of mission!

Enjoy E-news

Rachel Jordan-Wolf
Executive Director, Hope Together

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Get ready for Alive

Be the first to hear all about the biggest push of Hope 23-24 - Easter 2024! We’ve got exciting news on ALIVE, what it is, how we plan on impacting a generation and how you can be involved. Join us on September 26th:

1pm to 2.30pm. Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 833 0879 0823
Passcode: 678168


7.30pm –9pm. Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 833 0879 0823
Passcode: 678168 

ALIVE is going to be big. Don’t miss it!

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Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s death

September 8th will mark the first anniversary of the passing of the late and much beloved Queen Elizabeth II. To honour this event both Life of Grace and Our Faithful Queen books are now FREE in our shop. You can order and give to friends and family who might take this moment to reflect on her life of faith.

BUY now
Conference Recording

A new cultural conversation

Continuing our exciting Perspective conversation series, we have another topic coming up this autumn! Join us Saturday 14th October, 10am to 11.30am for How to live out and share the good news in our challenging cultural conversations.

Jo Frost, co-director of the Being Human project and co-author of Being Human: A new lens for our cultural conversations leading our conversation, will lead with Rachel and explore the challenges we face in mission and evangelism in the wake of the current cultural trends. 

Put it in your diary
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It's happening

The Wild Hope teams were out on the streets last week reaching people with the good-news of Jesus in Coventry, Bedford, Wilmington, Liverpool, Machen and Budapest!

Pray for the teams as they turn what they have learned into ongoing action!

Pray foR THE TEAM 
More ways to get involved
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We’re partners in LAUNCH 2023. The King And The Kingdom event will equip global leaders with kingdom teaching and encourage them to build community, addressing their biggest challenges and finding their greatest opportunity in fulfilling its mission in a post-Christian, digital age.

Hope's Rachel will be speaking at the event and there is currently a special deal to join the North event (30th-31st Oct) in Greater Manchester and South event (2nd-3rd Nov) in Buckinghamshire


Oikos StepsSummer is a great season for prayer walking. If you haven’t planned one already, put a prayer walk in your diary during the run of good weather, individually and as a church community.




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Young people hanging out in the summer and at your events is a prime opportunity to hand out our modern-feel Mark’s Gospel or introduce someone to it digitally. It's an attractive and fresh evangelism tool.

Buy copies

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