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Sharing life
It's only been a couple of weeks since the Queen's funeral and
we have seen so many moving tributes and memories for a lifetime of service across the media and in our own feeds.
We have exciting news of an absolutely beautiful tribute book about the Queen, sharing her whole life of faith.
Are there friends, family, or people in your community that you could give this to as we lead into the Christmas Countdown? It's a fantastic talking point.
Check out Talking Jesus research to understand the many ways and importance of sharing the good news through our life stories.
“…so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”
1 Thessalonians 2: 8
hear from Rachel
Life of Grace
This moving tribute brings fresh insight into the transformative role of Christ in the Queen’s public and private life. Beautifully illustrated and carefully researched, it brings home the impact of a life lived wholly and joyfully for Christ and others. It makes an ideal gift for friends, colleagues, and neighbours of any faith or none.
There are discounts on savings on bulk orders, from £1.50. Single copies are just £7.
Muick the Corgi says goodbye
God's Big Story resources have been extended to help explain the death of the Queen.
We have a great download for children who have felt emotionally engaged with the Queen's death and who watched the funeral.
You can download the continuation of
The Girl Who Grew Up To Be Queen
and place it in any storytime routine.
Download the resource
Our Faithful Queen
Our Faithful Queen
is also a great gift for any Queen fans
, or royal watchers to pour over the her life story. They can keep the book as memorabilia, while reading and resharing her passion for Jesus, now, and in times to come.
fOR Queen fans
From the HOPE Together Team
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