Cosy. But is it too early to say Christmas? |

It’s autumnal – the leaves are changing colour and the temperature is definitely dropping!
Less sitting out and BBQs more cosy times in. So, if you’re looking for a great Saturday morning sofa moment, join us for the incredible Perspective Conversation.
Everyone is invited who is passionate about mission and evangelism – church leaders, those involved in mission and outreach, those who have started something, and those who are dreaming of what they could do. Do you want everyone everywhere to know about Jesus and to find out more about how to reach people now in today's cultural climate? The Perspective Conversation is going online and it’s for you!
Just two hours will transform your thinking and give you tools to equip others in your church! Join us, the Evangelical Alliance and our key speakers Amy Orr-Ewing and Mike Royal – on November 12th in your living room – put on the coffee and join us!
Let’s get equipped and inspired together – “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” Ephesians 4: 16.
Rachel Jordan-Wolf
Executive Director, HOPE Together
Hear more from rachel |

Not too early
It’s not, and we are boldly reminding you that Christmas is one of the most important outreach opportunities in the year. We are excited to announce that our all-new HOPE for All magazine for Christmas 2022 is ready to pre-order in time to give away copies to your community and friends. Order copies from the hope shop.

Get ready for good conversation
Perspective is now an online conversation featuring the fantastic Amy Orr-Ewing and Mike Royal – focussing on the impact of the current cultural changes that we’re all facing in mission and evangelism. It will take place on November 12th online, sign up and join us from 9.30 – 11.30. See you there!

Countdown to Christmas
We said it again. Countdown to Christmas Hope is brand new. It’s a daily journey through Advent, full of things to think about and do. Great to give to friends and neighbours you are talking about Jesus with. Available from the Hope shop £1/50p bulk.

New! Luke’s Gospel and Ukrainian Gospel
The Talking Jesus report showed the bible was a key influence in bringing practicing Christians to faith. Ukrainian versions of our popular Mark’s gospel are now ready for you to buy here in the UK for refugees where you live.
AND, in time for Christmas, we are launching our new Luke’s gospel, especially as it contains the Christmas narrative, published in partnership with Biblica and HOPE For Every Home Ireland.
It’s a beautiful giveaway of the life of Jesus story as told by Luke in a high-quality magazine-style format, with millennial and young adult appeal. If you want to reach those visiting your church, in your community, or even family and friends, then order now!
More ways to get involved

It’s time to spread the word on wellbeing for this season. With World Mental Health Day last week serving as a reminder to look after your mental health, we encourage you to run The Wellbeing Journey course in small groups/ schools, share Your Wellbeing Journey booklet and encourage people to make it a priority.
Run Wellbeing Journey
Life of Grace is a new book released just after the queens death and marking the end of her reigning years as Christian monarch. If you want to share as a gift or momento, a month on from her death then order copies from the Hope shop.
Order Life of Grace

Just Pray is back on the 22nd July, live on Facebook and YouTube at 8pm on 22nd. We know it’s a Saturday, but our theme focusses on ‘this is the day of the Lord’s favour’ and the opportunity in challenges, particularly following up on difficult questions following the Queen’s death. If you’re around, log on.