Time to step up and out
rahel holding book

It’s officially spring!

I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine where you are.

Easter is coming when we think about new life. The flowers and new life around us remind us that God is working out all things and bringing his new life.

In Revelation 21:5 we read “I am making everything new,” and we are reminded of that great day when Jesus will return and all things will be made new.

Enjoy this e-news and take a look at my video to see our new book!

Rachel Jordan-Wolf
Executive Director, HOPE Together

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Our Faithful Queen revealed!

There is a definite buzz in the office as we got our first in-person glimpse of the new book Our Faithful Queen. Copies will be on their way soon to those who have ordered (and they look even better in print than online!). The 64 pages of vivid photographs illustrating the Queen’s life of faith and service, provide a stunning Platinum Jubilee souvenir that people will want on their coffee tables.

If you would like to leaf through the pages before you buy, it is now possible on theplatinumjubilee.com/gift

Pick up this conversation starter and draw the crowds as we celebrate the Platinum Jubilee this June. Bulk orders cost just £1 a copy.

Are we talking about Jesus Fac

All this Jesus talk
Just over a month to go before Talking Jesus reloads and launches its research, which will share fresh insights on how Christianity is perceived in the UK. It’s a long-awaited reveal and will encourage churches to think about how they can talk about Jesus in effective ways with our community, acquaintances and nearest and dearest.

Be an early bird and register to get the findings on launch day.

Copy of Magazine drop (1)

Magazine to your door

HOPE For All magazine is flying off the shelves as churches and mission champions are getting ready to share the message of Christ in creative ways over Easter.

It is full of stories and faces you will recognise telling their experience of faith in a memorable way, and includes our popular giveaways (see it all on hopeforall.org.uk)

Have you placed an order? What are you waiting for?

Order your magazines
Pray for the Ukraine (1920 × 1

Ukrainians get the gospel

In this extraordinarily difficult time, we have some good news about our Mark’s Gospel in Ukraine. Since we’ve been sharing with you about the opportunity to gift Ukrainians a copy of Mark’s Gospel, our partner Biblica, has been able to place this version on the Ukrainian Bible app and has seen a whopping 60,000 downloads in Ukraine!

That’s 60,000 people who have been reached and have the possibility of finding hope in the Christian message of comfort and peace.

You can support our efforts by buying hard copies for just £1.

Buy for a Ukrainian
More ways to get involved
The Amplify residential has just finished and we have had great feedback. One parent said about her daughter, "She had an amazing time again at this weekend away.  She is fired up to want to share her faith. Amplify has been quite significant in her journey.”

We are so encouraged by the 150 young people who have been trained and equipped as evangelists over the past three years. If you know a young person who is actively sharing their faith with their peers, we'd love them to join us in September 2022! Apply now online.

Apply now

Just Pray


We have just had our third Pray session on Tuesday, which you are ALL welcome to attend online. Make it a habit! On the 22nd of every month.  We pray about a new topic for 20 minutes. This week we prayed for young people. Catch up on YouTube and pray alongside Sam Daniel from Urban Saints.

Pray with US

Mission Evangelism ConferenceWe are partnering with Evangelical Alliance for this exciting conference at KingsGate Community Church in Peterborough tailored for church leaders and people passionate about sharing the gospel. Don't miss it!

We are grateful to be on this journey with you.

Love and prayers
The Hope Together Team


HOPE Together  |  8A Market Place  |  Rugby  |  CV21 3DU
Tel: 01788 542782   Email: office@hopetogether.org.uk  
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