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News Release - 10 December 2021
Churches, Christian charities and youth organisations are working together to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee over the 4-day Bank Holiday from 2-5 June 2022. A new website has been created –
– to provide ideas and resources for communities to celebrate the Queen's 70 years of faith and service.
Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf, HOPE’s executive director, said, ‘Churches are in an ideal place to bring communities together for these national celebrations. We are thrilled to be working with our partners to help put churches at the heart of the celebrations.’
What and when?
The UK and Commonwealth will celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a 4-day Bank Holiday from 2-5 June 2022.
HOPE Together is working with a wide range of partners to help churches around the Commonwealth to mark this special occasion and, in particular, to celebrate the Queen’s 70 years of faith and service. As with the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations, HOPE Together and partners will provide a range of ideas and resources for communities, schools, churches and youth organisations.
Platinum Jubilee Highlights
Our Faithful Queen - a gift book using rarely-seen prayers the Queen prayed as she prepared for the Coronation, will be published by HOPE Together and Biblica in January 2022 to buy and give away.
A Happylands animation and book 'The Girl Who Grew Up To Be Queen' for under 5s is to be published by HOPE Together in partnership with The Entertainer and Hope for Every Home.
A new anthem ‘Rise Up and Serve’ has been commissioned by HOPE Together and written by contemporary hymn writers Graham Kendrick, Mal Pope and Rend Collective for choirs to sing as part of the celebrations.
70 Acts of Service – an invitation to communities to celebrate by serving others with 70 community service ideas drawing on Stewardship’s 40 Acts
On Her Majesty’s Service for 11-14s – youth organisations, schools and uniformed organisation are involved (Pais, CofE, Youth For Christ, YouthScape, The Message, Prayer Spaces In Schools. Girls Brigade and Boys Brigade). Resources include ideas for action and videos to use.
Your Street Party Planne
r – ideas and plans for fun-packed community events developed in collaboration with the Methodist Church and Big Lunch.
- a dedicated website with all the ideas and resources you’ll need to bring your community together to celebrate .
Banners, posters and other Platinum Jubilee branded resources will be available from CPO -
The Platinum Jubilee – Celebration of Faith & Service logos can be downloaded from
As the 4-day Bank Holiday ends at Pentecost, our partners
Thy Kingdom Come
are also providing a Cheeky Pandas film, song and book for primary school children – with resource packs for home/church/school and community events.
Notes to editors
For interviews and further information contact HOPE Together’s Communications
HOPE Together
HOPE brings churches together in mission, using words and action to make Jesus known. The goal is to see individuals and communities in villages, towns and cities throughout the UK transformed by Jesus’ love. Churches linked to HOPE come from across the spectrum of denominations.
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